Pediatric Teeth Grinding Treatment in NYC

Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism, is the process of clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth at night. This is a very common trait in children that could lead to issues in the future.

How do I Know if My Child is Grinding Their Teeth?

There are a few signs of teeth grinding that you may notice your child exhibiting:

  • Waking up with a sore jaw
  • Popping or clicking the jaw sounds throughout the day
  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Tenderness in the Jaw

Grinding of the teeth could lead to wearing down the enamel as well as wearing down the overall shape of their teeth causing severe dental damage if not prevented.

Bruxism Treatment

At Park View Pediatric in NYC, Dr. Rima can help to prevent teeth grinding with a night guard. This night guard will be custom to your child’s mouth and can vary depending on the child’s needs. Ensuring the night guard fits comfortably and still allows the child to sleep well at night is a priority for Dr. Rima.

Call Our NYC Office For Teeth Grinding Treatment!

If you think your child has signs of teeth grinding, call today to schedule an appointment with the top Upper East Side Pediatric Dentist in New York City. Contact us today to schedule. Dial 212-879-6518 to speak with our staff, or fill out our appointment request form by clicking here!

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