What Are Dental Crowns For Children?
A dental crown is a restoration that covers or “caps” a tooth, restoring it to its normal size and shape while strengthening it and protecting it from further cracking or breakage. Tooth crowns are necessary when a tooth is broken down to the point where a filling won’t be effective. In addition, dental crowns are often needed following a pediatric root canal, wherein part of the baby tooth’s nerve has been removed.
Stainless steel crowns are a common type of pediatric crown that protects a child’s baby teeth as they grow.
Why Children May Need A Dental Crown
When a child’s tooth is cracked, broken, or impacted by damage to the dental pulp, thus requiring a baby root canal, the experienced pediatric dentists at Park View Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics in NYC will turn to pediatric dental crowns in order to restore affected teeth.
Working with your child’s pediatric dentist ASAP will ensure that you can protect their baby teeth and oral health as their teeth and jaw develop.
Based on a patient’s unique needs, the appropriate type of kids dental crown will be determined. We serve many patients from the East side, Central park area, and also 5th avenue.
What Age Can My Child Receive Crowns?
We can place crowns on a child when they are very young, so long as there is a sufficient amount of tooth to hold the cap in place. We want to protect their baby teeth and the surrounding tissue from tooth decay, which means early intervention is the best line of defense against cavities.
Our team will assess the damaged tooth and determine whether a filling alone or the addition of a crown would be the best treatment option. In addition to treating the immediate decay, we also consider the long-term implications for your child’s oral health.
Is It Normal For a Child to Need a Crown?
Many parents feel guilty when they find out their child has a cavity, but this is a common occurrence. Children’s teeth have thinner enamel than adult teeth, which means they are more susceptible to decay. Even if you dedicate time to your child’s dental hygiene each day, cavities can still form.
Some children have higher levels of bacteria in their mouths, and those with reduced saliva flow are prone to developing cavities. A diet that is heavy in starches and sugar can also increase the risk of cavities.
Crowns are a type of indirect restoration, offering coverage for the damaged tooth when a filling is not an option.
What Sedation Options Are Available For My Child?
For children who are unable to cope with the delivery of dental care, who have a high level of dental anxiety or who have special needs, we offer various sedation dentistry options for completing a pediatric dental crown procedure. For over 25 years, our Upper East Side pediatric dentistry has been committed to providing dental care with a little extra care.
Learn more about dental crowns for children below or request an appointment online.
Types Of Pediatric Dental Crowns
Our team at Park View Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics can provide:
- Stainless steel crowns / caps (with or without white facings)
- White (tooth-colored) crowns
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel crowns for children’s teeth can preserve more of the tooth structure than other types of crowns. They withstand biting and chewing forces well and rarely chip or break.
The biggest drawback of stainless steel crowns is their metallic color. They are ideal for a child’s rear teeth that are not visible, but if dental crowns are necessary for a tooth that will show, they can be created with white facings that look like natural teeth.
White Crowns (Tooth-Colored)
White crowns made of resin can be used to strengthen decayed teeth, and they are commonly used to restore visible front and back teeth. They are closer in color to natural teeth, so they are more cosmetically pleasing than stainless steel crowns.
One potential con of white pediatric crowns is that they are not as strong as stainless steel crowns. They may not withstand a strong bite force or last as long due to chewing.
However, given their natural appearance, they can be the best option for preserving the appearance of your child’s smile.
How Is The Pediatric Dental Crown Procedure Performed?
Dental crown placement is performed in the office by a pediatric dentist. Before the cosmetic dental crown procedure, a child will receive local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth and surrounding area. We offer single-tooth anesthesia technology, which provides a number of advantages for our pediatric patients. In addition, sedation dentistry options may also be administered, depending on a patient’s needs.
Once numbed, our pediatric dentists will shape the affected tooth to the necessary form before introducing the appropriate type of dental crown, which is designed to fit tightly over it. Then, the tooth crown is cemented into place.
Prior to the procedure, you will have time to discuss the treatment with your child’s pediatric dentist. They will address any concerns you have, answer your questions, and explain the process to your child in kid-friendly language.
After The Procedure
After the pediatric dental crown procedure, children will be advised to avoid hard or sticky foods to prevent fractures to the crown. Depending on the type of crown used, the dental restoration may stay intact until the baby tooth falls out naturally, or it may need to be replaced at a later date.
Caring for your child’s smile after they receive pediatric dental crowns is not much different than keeping up with their usual dental hygiene routine. You will need to ensure that they continually brush and floss as advised to prevent any future tooth decay.
Why Crown a Baby Tooth? Why Not Just Pull It?
It's not uncommon for parents to ask this question. Baby teeth fall out, so why save one that has been badly damaged? It's true that pulling a baby tooth will accomplish some of the goals of treatment, such as eliminating the existing infection and resolving the pain that your child may be in. Your dentist must also think about the long-term effects of their actions, though, and baby teeth play a role in your child's development, so extraction must be considered with the utmost caution.
There are several reasons to repair a baby tooth rather than pull it. Some of the top reasons include:
- Baby teeth help a child learn to eat solid food. This is not an aspect of development to be diminished. Chewing is the vital first step in the digestive process. A child who does not have all of their teeth may not break down solid foods sufficiently before smaller bits enter the stomach. Without that breakdown, the digestive process gets stressed and the child may experience stomach upset.
- Baby teeth are placeholders for adult teeth. A child's permanent teeth aren't seen for many years. They are continually forming far beneath the gums from birth until they erupt through the gums later in childhood. The development of adult teeth can be affected if baby teeth are lost or extracted too early.
- Baby teeth are also "runways" for adult teeth. In addition to holding space in the mouth while the palate grows, baby teeth also guide adult teeth into their proper locations as these permanent teeth make their way toward the gums' surface. If a baby tooth is pulled rather than allowed to fall out naturally, the permanent tooth doesn't have proper guidance and may grow in abnormally.
How Long will My Child's Crown Last?
In adulthood, crowns may need to be replaced every so often. Children's crowns are different. Crowns on baby teeth may last as long as the tooth is naturally in place. Having a crown won't keep the tooth from falling out when the time comes. The dentist won't need to remove the crown or pull the tooth, nature will work as it normally does. So, once the crown is placed, no further treatment should be necessary other than your child's normal check-ups and cleanings.
How Do I Take Care of My Child's Crown?
Anytime a crown is placed, there is a chance that bacteria can accumulate around the margins at the gum line. This isn't much different than what can happen around natural teeth. What parents need to understand is only that having a crown won't keep a child from developing decay. Daily oral hygiene remains a very important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. If your child receives a crown, it's important that they (or you) brush carefully around the crown when brushing other teeth. Flossing is also a must. This helps remove bacteria and debris from food from areas in between teeth and around the gum line.
If your child receives a crown from the experienced staff at Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics in NYC, you can benefit from ongoing support as you need it!
Schedule A Consultation For Pediatric Dental Crowns In NYC
If you need to schedule a visit for your child with cracked teeth or want to learn more about our stainless steel and white pediatric dental crowns, call our office at 212-879-6518 or request an appointment at Park View Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics by filling out the form on this page.