Digital dental X-rays for children and baby teeth are a valuable diagnostic tool that provides details about the teeth as well as the bones and supporting tissues of the mouth. Park View Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics in NYC is pleased to offer a state-of-the-art digital orthodontic X-ray machine in our Upper East Side office so patients can have dental X-rays taken and evaluated within minutes, without ever having to leave the premises. Learn more below, or schedule an appointment online.
What Types Of Things Do Dental X-rays For Children Reveal?
Digital dental X-rays for children are used to detect the presence of:
- Tooth decay (dental caries)
- Gum disease
- Tumors
- Cysts
- Extra teeth
In addition, digital dental X-rays can also be used to see the status of developing teeth, to effectively track the progress of previous dental procedures and to quickly identify small changes in teeth over time.
Benefits Of Digital Baby Teeth X-rays
Although generally considered safe, traditional X-rays briefly expose patients to radiation. But with the latest advances in digital X-rays, radiation exposure is reduced by more than 90 percent. In addition, digital X-rays produce instant, high-quality images, which can be shared with other doctors, if needed. Digital dental X-rays are also more environmentally friendly than traditional X-rays since they eliminate the need for film and processing chemicals that generate bio-hazardous waste.
How Often Are Digital Dental X-rays Performed For Children?
Each patient is different and so are his or her individual dental needs. The schedule for performing digital dental X-rays will be determined by our experienced team of pediatric dentists, based on factors including a patient’s age, their risk for disease, and symptoms.
In many cases, new patients at Park View Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics will be advised to have dental X-rays to determine the existing health of teeth and provide a baseline for future changes.
What Does Getting Pediatric Dental X-rays Involve?
Before getting dental X-rays, an experienced staff member will cover the patient with a heavy lead apron. Next, a small, sterile device (the image receptor) will be inserted into the patient’s mouth, and the staff member will instruct the child on how to bite down on it, in order to take the most effective X-ray images. This process will repeat several times until images are obtained for the entire mouth. The process takes just minutes to complete and is completely pain-free.
Since digital X-ray results are immediate, the images and diagnosis can be discussed between the dentist, patient, and a patient’s parent immediately after the examination.
Schedule A Consultation
If you need to schedule a visit for your child or want to learn more about digital dental X-rays for children, call our office at 212-879-6518  or request an appointment at Park View Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics by filling out the form on this page.