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Are your children only cleaning half their teeth?

Children and adults alike know that brushing and flossing is part of a daily oral care regimen that should be done to maintain a healthy smile. Unfortunately, many children, and even some adults, are not brushing properly. In fact, some patients are unknowingly only brushing half of their teeth! This leaves the smile susceptible to tooth decay and periodontal disease. 

How much of your teeth are your children brushing? 

Brushing the teeth effectively is difficult for many children. They may not be paying attention to which teeth they are brushing. Additionally, if they are not told to floss, they’re also missing a lot of areas that need attention as well. When a child brushes their teeth, if they brush the top, front, and back, they may feel as though they’ve done a thorough job. But without flossing, they’re missing the other two sides which are the sides facing the adjacent teeth. This is why it is so important for children to learn how to floss their teeth, in order to get everywhere in-between! 

What to expect during a dental cleaning 

During routine dental visits with children, the team at Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics will perform a deep, thorough cleaning as well. This includes flossing, during which children can be educated on how to floss properly. These cleanings, done every six months, are a great preventative and can help get areas children might be missing during their daily brushing and flossing. 

Educate your children on the importance of brushing effectively 

The best way to care for the teeth is to brush and floss after every meal. If your children are only brushing only half of their teeth because they are brushing incorrectly, it can negatively impact their oral health. Our dental hygienists at Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics can demonstrate to children—and their parents!—the most effective ways to brush and floss during a visit to their practice. New York, NY area children and families are welcome at our practice, confidently located at 800A Fifth Avenue, Suite #303.

Call (212) 879-6518 to request an initial evaluation and appointment with any of our dental professionals, including Drs. Rima Parikh, Deborah Pilla, Megan Chin, and Raya Abu-Zahra. 

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