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What is crown lengthening?

New York, NY area patients who smile and notice that their teeth look short may be interested in obtaining crown lengthening treatments with the team at Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Many children and adults deal with a “gummy smile,” where excessive gum tissue is seen and the teeth appear short. This can impact the harmony and balance of the smile and make patients feel self-conscious about the way they look when they smile and talk with others. With crown lengthening, patients can achieve a more attractive look while ensuring better symmetry between the gums and teeth.

How does crown lengthening work?

Crown lengthening is a cosmetic procedure that is performed by our staff to make the teeth look longer and more in balance with the amount of gum tissue present. It also helps improve oral hygiene issues as it exposes more of the tooth’s surface for more effective brushing and flossing. During this treatment, the excess gum tissue along the line of the teeth is removed. At the same time, the dental staff will make sure the gumline created is properly aligned. The entire process is done during a single appointment and can make a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the smile.

What can I expect from the procedure?

The procedure itself is done during a single appointment, and can be done for the entire arch of teeth or just one or two teeth. This is dependent on the patient’s unique needs. The procedure is done with special instruments or the use of a laser to cauterize tissue for less bleeding and discomfort. It is common for patients to have some mild discomfort after the treatment, but this is often addressed easily with over-the-counter pain medications.

Request an appointment today

If your child deals with a gummy smile and would benefit from crown lengthening, take the time to speak to our team about your options. Our dental staff works together with new and current patients to ensure they have the most effective solutions available with our experienced staff. Call the office at (212) 879-6518 to speak to our friendly front office team about your needs and determine if we can help. Our facility is conveniently located at 800A Fifth Avenue, Suite #303 and accepts new patients.

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    MWF 9am - 5pm
    Tu & Th 9am - 6pm
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