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Why sealants are preferred to protect the smile

The teeth play an important role in our daily lives. They are not only the first impression seen by others when they meet us, but they also help us eat the food we enjoy to power and fuel our bodies. Because teeth are incredibly vital to many aspects of our lives, it is key that patients take good care of their smiles and protect the teeth from tooth decay and periodontal disease. The team of Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics find that with preventative care, many children will maintain a healthy smile for many years. Part of preventative care is the application of sealants.

What is a sealant?

Dental sealants offer an extra layer of protection against cavities. The sealant is applied to the visible surfaces of the teeth to protect the tooth enamel against issues such as acids and bacteria that can contribute to the formation of decay and disease. While brushing and flossing after every meal helps in removing food particles and plaque from the teeth, having sealants can protect hard-to-clean areas such as the deep grooves and depressions of the molars. With the application of a dental sealant, children are taking an extra step in protecting the smile from future problems.

Why choose dental sealants?

Children are not always thorough when it comes to taking care of their teeth. By placing dental sealants during routine visits, our dentists can give a helping hand to children to protect the smile. We also educate children on how to properly brush and floss their teeth to help guide them through their oral healthcare journey for many, many years!

Discuss the possibility of placing sealants with our dental team

At Park View Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, we are committed to providing New York, NY area child with the care they need to have healthy, beautiful smiles for life. If you are located in the area and are considering working with a pediatric dental provider who can offer sealants, call (212) 879-6518 to request an appointment. Our staff is here to help, and we encourage patients to ask questions about this and other preventative services available in our facility.

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