Is It Time for Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist? Here’s How to Make It a GREAT Experience

As adults, we tend to have a good idea of what happens at the dentist’s office, and some of these associations aren’t all positive. If your child is about to go to the dentist for the first time, however, he or she doesn’t really know what to expect. So why make that first appointment a great experience?

Your child’s memory of this first visit can shape his or her attitude about oral care for the rest of his or her life. Here are some tips for making sure he or she is a lifelong happy dental patient. These regular visits (combined with proper home care) are an important way to ensure excellent dental and overall health.

  • Start your child early. Many dental professional recommend that your child sees the dentist by his or her first birthday. Not only will this allow the dentist to make sure your child’s bite is developing healthily—it will also allow your child to get familiar and friendly with the dentist early on.
  • Make it positive. This first visit sets the tone for your child’s future dental appointments. Prepare him or her for a good experience. Tell him or her that the office is friendly and comfortable and full of nice people. At our office, we’ll make sure that all that and more is true!
  • There are never too many questions. Our office staff is here to answer all of your child’s (and your own) questions. Let him or her know that it’s okay—and encouraged!—to discuss anything and everything about dental care during the visit.
  • Keep it casual. Set the tone at home for a relaxed visit. Avoid discussing pain or anything that might sound scary (“needles” or “drills,” for example).

Call us today to discuss your child’s first visit to our office and schedule an appointment!

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