Be Hands-On with Your Child’s Dental Health!

Every parent fears for their little ones to experience the #1 dental problem among children — tooth decay. A common mistake among parents is that they tend to ignore cavities in baby teeth, as these teeth are lost eventually. However, decay in baby teeth can greatly affect permanent teeth in the future and can cause dental problems later on.

Protect your child’s teeth by teaching him or her good dental habits as early as possible! Developing good oral hygiene in kids often starts with proper coaching at home. With the parent’s active intervention, your child will be able to quickly adapt to this new dental routine.

pediatric dentistryTalk about brushing.

You should encourage your preschoolers to brush their teeth at least two times a day using a soft-bristled, child-sized toothbrush. Start introducing a pea-sized amount of toothpaste that contains fluoride to help prevent cavities. Teach your child not to swallow when brushing, however they may still be too young to consistently rinse and spit. Don’t rush; they will learn eventually.

Steer clear from sugar.

Your diet will greatly determine how your child’s dental health will be. Of course, one big culprit that destroys their teeth is sugar. Don’t expose your child to sugar often, as it increases his or her risk of developing cavities. This includes sticky, sugary foods, like caramel, gum, toffee, and dried fruit. After your child eats such foods, make sure to brush his or her teeth as soon as possible.

Establish a “dental home.”

It’s recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics that children form a “dental home” even as early as 1 year old. Schedule regular checkups with the dentist to make sure that all of his or her teeth are growing normally and that there are no existing dental problems.

Your family’s dental health is always our #1 priority. Call us and we’ll gladly help you and your kids achieve optimal dental health.

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